God and Conflict

Wednesday I returned to Tzfat (Safed) Israel from Raanana, which is north of Tel Aviv. That night I was scheduled to interview Philip Hellmich, the Director of Peace at The Shift Network with whom I have been working with for the past year on The Summer of Peace 2012 event. In September I was a featured presenter of the event. The focus of my presentation/ experience was healing the rift between Abraham’s sons, Isaac (Yitzchak) and Ishmael. Ishmael is the father of Islam and Isaac of Judaism.  The event is available at: https://www.marknaseck.com/be-a-light-unto-the-nations-summer-of-peace-2012

The interview with Philip was focused on his new book God and Conflict: A Search for Peace in a Time of Crisis. Wednesday was launch day of his bestseller book campaign. We had a fantastic time doing the interview. He shared his experiences in Sierra Leone, Africa during his time in the Peace Corps and after when he went to visit during and after the civil war there. He went on to speak about the inner paradox of deep peace and love that he felt as a result of his deep meditation practice of 2 hours per day and the heart wrenching experience of seeing his friends and loved ones adversely affected when their villages were sacked by child soldiers. Philip’s desire to do something about the unrest in Sierra Leonne took him on a deeper inner journey that transformed him at his core.

Philip shared with me the ability to allow these 2 dynamics to co-exist within him. Being asked to speak at the United Nations in September is a testament to his success in mastering the ability to feel deep love and peace and to act in the world as an ambassador of this peace.

During the interview I couldn’t help but feel that there was a bigger picture for this time with Philip than I originally believed. I was right, the following day I learned that a war broke out in Gaza, Operation Pillar of Defense. After months of the constant rocket barrage to Sderot in southern Israel from Hamas in Gaza, one of the rockets landed in a further urban community resulting in Israeli fatalities.

In my personal life, I recently connected with a new friend that I opened my heart to via sweet phone conversations and SMS messages. I was looking forward to meeting her next Sunday. Saturday night I wrote her a SMS message and went to sleep around 10pm. I woke up at 3am. At 3:33am I receive a SMS reply from her stating that she had been called by her commander for emergency reserve duty in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) and that she was en-route to the south. I was in shock … I prayed for her and her brother who was with her as they both went to serve. Her last SMS was “Thanks, saving battery”. She didn’t know when she’d be able to charge her cell phone once she got close to the border of Gaza. From that point I didn’t know when we would have communication again, at least on the physical plane. When I awoke I was in a deep meditation and prayer experience holding the space that they be safe. In those moments I felt connected to The Divine and to my friend. Before going to sleep that night I wrote another SMS to her saying that she and her brothers are in my prayers and I ended the message with May Peace Prevail. I don’t know if she had any battery left to see the message, never mind reply to it. Not knowing if she was engaged with her work in the mission was another reason she may not see / reply to the message. The sensation of being helpless came upon me, so much sadness. I had seen photos of the damage done and the pain others experienced from injuries and loss of life. I cried.

I just let the sensations / feeling flow through me, it was quite intense. Earlier in the morning when I was in prayer and meditation I was also communicating with my new friend suggesting to her to keep her body open and fluid to allow many paradoxical energies, feelings, emotions to move through her so she can stay healthy and strong and not allow these energies to get stuck inside and cause dis-ease. When I began to cry I realized that I had also been saying those words of advise to myself.

Philip transmitted to me the awareness of how to do this so I can remain in a grounded and balanced state and continue to be present for myself and others, doing my work in this world and staying healthy. And at the same time, NOT shutting down or closing off to any uncomfortable feeling  / sensations which would make me less effective in my life.

Get your copy of God and Conflict today and receive an Inner Spring Cleaning Healing free gift from me at; http://www.godandconflict.com/campaign-nov-14th

God and Conflict explores how conflict is a natural part of our human experience and a catalyst for spiritual and societal evolution.  It is the way in which we respond to and work with conflict that ultimately determines our personal and planetary evolution. ~ Philip Hellmich

Conflict is gift from God and the seed we can grow into new heights of consciousness.

Many blessings to you and your loved ones,

May Peace Prevail
